At My Turf@work and Cooinda Retreats, our focus is about so much more than just running programs and providing services. We’re building communities that are inclusive, empathetic, and structured to harness the strengths of every individual. For us, inclusion isn’t just a goal—it’s a way of thinking that underpins everything we do.

But the path to achieving this isn’t always straightforward. As the world around us changes, so do the challenges we face. Particularly at Cooinda Retreats, where land was generously donated to Toc H SA Inc for children’s camps, we’re now grappling with modern compliance, government regulations, lack of referral and the increasing difficulty of fielding a team of volunteers with the expertise and capacity required. These contemporary realities mean we must adapt, evolve, and sometimes redefine how we achieve the mission originally set out for us.

This leads us to a fundamental point: it’s critical that we look beyond the origins of a donation or a gift and focus on the deeper intent behind them. While a space may have been originally designed for one specific purpose, the spirit behind that donation can still be honoured even if how we use the space changes.

Adapting to Today’s Needs

For those with a deep connection to the original vision of the Campsite, now known as Cooinda Retreats, adapting the use of the space opens exciting new possibilities. Much like in the school classroom, as the tools and methods evolve, so too does our ability to fulfil the core mission. The heart of what inspired the donation continues to drive everything we do, and by embracing these changes, we’re finding even more impactful ways to realise that vision in today’s world.

The Evolving Classroom: A Clear Analogy

Consider a classroom built 50 years ago. At that time, rows of desks faced the teacher, a blackboard dominated the front of the room, and textbooks were the main source of knowledge. The design of the classroom reflected the educational values of the time, where information flowed one way—from teacher to student.

Now, think about a modern classroom. Desks are often arranged in clusters to encourage group work and collaboration. Blackboards have been replaced by interactive screens. Textbooks share the stage with laptops and tablets, bringing the world into the classroom via the internet. Yet, despite all these changes, the essence of the classroom hasn’t shifted: its core purpose is still to educate, inspire, and prepare students for the future.

The tools and layout have evolved to meet the demands of a changing world, but the heart of the classroom remains the same—equipping students with the knowledge and skills to succeed. If that classroom hadn’t evolved, it would no longer serve the needs of today’s students effectively.

This is exactly the kind of shift we’re seeing with Cooinda Retreats. The space was originally designed for children’s camps, and while that vision still inspires us, we now have the chance to reimagine what the space can offer to meet modern needs. Just like the classroom, Cooinda Retreats can evolve without losing its heart—becoming a more dynamic, inclusive, and responsive environment while continuing to serve the community.

The Work Done and the Opportunities Ahead

Over the last six years, we’ve dedicated ourselves to bringing Cooinda Retreats up to a high standard. Compliance, safety, structural improvements and a leading customer service model have transformed the retreat into a place that not only meets today’s requirements but also sets the stage for a much larger vision.

This investment opens the door for us to look at what Cooinda Retreats could become—a true centre of excellence, custom-built to address contemporary issues like neurodiversity, social isolation, and mental health.

We now can build on these foundations, evolving the retreat to serve an even broader purpose. Imagine a space that isn’t just a camp but a dynamic hub of inclusion and empowerment. Cooinda Retreats can become a model for how communities support those who are neurodivergent or facing other social challenges, providing programs that are finely tuned to the complex needs of today’s society.

My Turf@work: Pioneering Inclusion and Employment

One of the key pillars of this vision is My Turf@work—a groundbreaking new program designed to empower neurodivergent individuals by equipping them with the skills and confidence needed to thrive in modern workplaces. My Turf@work addresses two crucial needs: helping neurodivergent individuals build leadership and employment skills, while also guiding businesses on how to foster truly inclusive environments.

Our live-in program at Cooinda Retreats offers participants an immersive experience where they gain hands-on, practical training across a wide range of job-related skills. One of the centrepieces of this training is the Open Eats food van, a fully operational business run by our participants. Here, they practice skills such as food preparation, customer service, cash handling, and team collaboration. This real-world experience not only boosts participants’ job readiness but also enhances their confidence in navigating professional environments.

The Six-Module Program:

The My Turf@work program is delivered through six intensive modules, each one designed to meet the needs of neurodivergent individuals as they prepare for employment:

  1. Program Orientation – Participants are introduced to the program and familiarised with the environment, ensuring they feel comfortable and supported from the
  2. Food Preparation and Cooking Basics – Essential kitchen safety, food handling, and basic cooking skills are taught, laying the foundation for future employment in hospitality or similar
  3. Customer Service Skills – Participants develop communication skills, learn how to handle complaints, and practice cash handling, preparing them for customer- facing
  4. Advanced Food Preparation and Presentation – Participants enhance their skills with more complex food prep, barista training, and menu
  5. Practical Experience and Job Readiness – Real-world job training, mock service days, and job search strategies are all included to prepare participants for the
  6. Specialised Neurodiversity Support – We offer tailored support for managing stress, using adaptive tools, and navigating workplace relationships, all while honouring each participant’s individual needs.

This isn’t just about teaching skills—it’s about building a sense of self-worth, belonging, and confidence. Each participant receives personalised support, ensuring that their experience is tailored to their unique needs.

A Vision for the Future: A Centre of Excellence

Our vision for Cooinda Retreats is bold. We see it becoming a centre of excellence, where everything from the design of the spaces to the delivery of programs is custom-built to address the pressing needs of our time. This isn’t about holding on to the past—it’s about enhancing the future. We aim to create an environment where individuals can thrive, where mental health and wellbeing are central to the experience, and where every participant feels empowered to succeed.

The potential is limitless. With the right investment and the understanding that embracing change strengthens our mission, we can ensure that Cooinda Retreats remains a beacon of hope and empowerment for generations to come.

The Importance of Embracing Change for Long-Term Success

As the world moves forward, staying idle is no longer an option. Continuing to do the same thing we did 10, 20, or 100 years ago won’t serve us—or the people we aim to help—effectively. If we cling too tightly to outdated methods, we risk diminishing returns, and ultimately, the relevance of our work will fade.

Investing in new ideas and evolving how we use places like Cooinda Retreats ensures that we stay relevant and impactful. It also safeguards us from the risks that come with doing things “the way they’ve always been done.” In a rapidly changing world, the organisations that fail to evolve face the greatest risk of becoming obsolete.

Join Us in Shaping the Future

The work we’ve done over the last six years has set the stage for an incredible future. By embracing change and understanding the broader intent behind spaces like Cooinda Retreats, we can build something truly special—a place where inclusion, empowerment, and community are at the forefront.

We invite you to be a part of this journey. Whether you’re a business looking to build an inclusive workforce or someone

ready to invest in the future of Cooinda Retreats, your involvement will help us shape a brighter, more inclusive future.

Our updated website provides all the information you need about the MyTurf@work program and the broader vision for Cooinda Retreats. Visit us, explore the resources, and discover how you can make a difference.

Together, we can ensure that Cooinda Retreats not only honours its original intent but also adapts to the needs of today, providing a lasting impact for generations to come.